BIO Conference Podcast: Andrew Meier with Kai Bird
BIO Podcast #130 – Andrew Meier
Biographers International Organization (BIO)
This special episode features excerpts from a conversation between award-winning journalist and author Andrew Meier and fellow biographer and BIO member Kai Bird. Meier’s latest book, Morgenthau: Power, Privilege, and the Rise of an American Dynasty, was published in October 2022 by Random House, and it’s a comprehensive examination of one of New York’s most influential families.
This live, in-person discussion was recorded on October 11, 2022, in Manhattan, and sponsored by the Leon Levy Center for Biography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. We are pleased to present this discussion with the Levy Center’s permission.
Biographers International Organization aims to promote the art and craft of biography, cultivate a diverse community of biographers, encourage public interest in biography, and provide educational and fellowship opportunities that support the work of biographers worldwide.