BIO  interview: Using the Art and Craft of Research

I love writing, as painful as it is. I can write for 10 or more hours at a stretch. As any editor I’ve ever worked with will amply attest, I write long and the words come fast, and then I cut mercilessly. But in the aftermath and aftershock of the publication of Morgenthau, I can readily say that research motivates me first and foremost, because it is detective work in some ways. It is the organization of my madness. It’s not anarchic, but it is organic.
— Andrew Meier

Holly Van Leuven, "Andrew Meier: Using the Art and Craft of Research: Conducting and Organizing Research on Four Generations of Morgenthaus," BIO (Biographers International Organization) website, April 21, 2023.


Oxford Alum QUAD News: Interview with Andrew Meier


BIO Conference Podcast: Andrew Meier with Kai Bird